We had previously been shooting at hanging steel targets. A 22 rimfire gave the small targets a good whack, while a 9mm had enough energy to twirl them all the way around the pole from which they were hung. The first round fired at the steel from the Auto Mag was a direct hit in the center of one of the four hanging targets. It completely obliterated the whole target stand, blowing the whole thing to pieces and sending all four steel targets flying. It was an extremely gratifying display of power!
In conclusion, my son couldn’t be happier. My friend asked him if he felt it was worth the five and a half year (!) wait, and he most emphatically said it was. Future outings will see him trying it out at more distant ranges. Based on what I saw the other day, I’m confident it will be just as good, if not better than my original Auto Mags. It represents a real triumph of engineering and manufacturing, and really is a joy to behold in action….
@robautomag How do I find the build list/queue? When can I order parts online? Thanks
@oburmt I’m trying get it updated. I'm going through the physical files and cross referencing the lists we have because we do not have our production software up and running yet. Since Lynette and I are doing triple duty right now to get everything straight. We are customer service/firearm compliance/shipping/HR/janitorial/ anything else the company needs right now it is taking longer than I want. That being said I will try and have it done by this week.
Saw this post on the Auto mag facebook page. Very interesting 🙂
**I am at the SAR gun show in Phoenix and saw this. I spoke with two guys, Eric and another guy. I didn't get his name. Eric said that backorder guns would be out by the end of January. I told him I was waiting for my gun as well. I'm a little skeptical, that's probably close to a hundred guns a month. Anyway, I also said that the Automag website has a forum, and that the they need to start communicating to people that have sent them thousands of dollars, good or bad. This is a positive sign, but I think it's pretty ballsy to show up and pitch a product for new business when you have over two hundred people waiting for you to deliver your product. **
I for one am just glad to see SOME activity again. 😉
@far_shot I read that and i think that is not going to happen. I can’t give you an exact eta right now because I am still getting back into the swing of the things and there are too many things that needs to be sorted out that that is just not achievable.
P.S. as I was writing this I texted Patrick and I he said he read that and asked Erick. I think there may have been a miscommunication and to Erick’s memory he does not remember saying that. I don’t know what to tell you. I do know that I will try to keep you guys informed as best as I can and be as open and honest as I can.
@robautomag Hmmmm.... I was there at that Crossroads-Phoenix show on Saturday and never saw that display in the building on the far west end of the fairgrounds. Anyway, who is Eric?? Thanks!
@mrbiifmsn-com He is a friend of Patrick and a fan of the Auto Mag.
Again...@elizawinbaum, who are you and what is your stake in all of this. Would really be nice to know as it would lend credibility to what you have said here. You not identifying yourself or your position just adds to the negative vibe of all that has happened.
I believe the correct identification is “troll”.
On an unrelated note, Rob called me yesterday to get a copy of my local FFL license, in preparation for shipping my gun! Soon I hope!