Give Rob a call.
When I spoke with him last week he said they were still working on getting pistols built.
Meaning they were actually building the pistols or trying to secure the materials to build them?
@orbitee I think it is difficult at this point to not see this ending poorly. This website has been in disrepair for a while, and now with the flooding of random video game and football posts, clearly no one is moderating it. I didn’t see, nor do I practice in the state to know, anything about whether this claim is dismissed with prejudice or not, meaning whether it can be brought again. It seems like it may not be able to be brought because it was dismissed on procedural grounds and for failure to state a claim, so it appears that it was not a well founded suit in the first place.
unfortunately, in my non-professional opinion, I think everyone should be clambering for a refund as soon as possible. The fact that this is apparently a serious, company ruining lawsuit and that Henry did not retain an attorney to defend himself in it, nor did he adhere to pretty basic filing deadlines himself, makes me think he does not think he has a strong claim or otherwise that he doesn’t have the money to fight it. At best your money is an interest free loan, at worst it is already gone. I would do what you can to get it back, but barring some enormous changing of the tides here, it looks very bad.
@gwassenberg so the problem is, the court can only do so much to advocate for any individual. They basically provide the playing field for these two sides to hash it out, but when one side doesn’t show up on time for the game, it’s almost impossible for the court to find an excuse to keep the other team waiting around. It’s Patrick’s job, if he decides to go without an attorney, to understand that everyone in need of the court’s services is beholden to the same scheduling conflicts and deadlines. That’s why these things happen, people don’t take the deadlines seriously and don’t want to put the money down for a lawyer, and it really only shows incompetence, lack of good faith, or lack of funds. Patrick would’ve had months likely to respond to what is an almost cursory filing in a civil case like this, which basically amounts to “your honor, even if I did what Patrick says I did, what he’s asking for isn’t a legal remedy.” It appears Patrick lost on both the failure to reply in time, which again would’ve been weeks if not months, and for failing to articulate a proper claim. Both could’ve been avoided with an attorney, and the court has its hands tied in terms of advocating for him when he won’t do it for himself
On a positive note, I was contacted today by Starline Brass that my order I placed in July of 2022 is ready, so if anybody's looking for brass you may want to contact them, needless to say I'm cancelling my order.
Also, please don't put too much stock into what Rob say's, I was told by him I should be receiving my pistol by last Christmas.
. What I do not understand is regardless of who owns the company, if they are still answering the phones someone is paying someone to do it. So why are they not producing especially if ownership was decided? I don't see how its possible for the company to remain in business in the state holding our money for product paid for and not supplying
@426mopar Funny, I also got a call from Starline today wanting me to send payment info again for my 2 year old backorder! After a pile of emails and calls with zero response, the first thing I hear from them is à message to re-send payment info! They should think about changing their company name to Starline Brass Balls. All that time ignoring my requests just told me that they didn't want my business. Big time cancel on my order.
I’d just like to be able to talk to someone in this company that can tell me anything, even if it’s just “Sorry, but your money is tied up, we’re not building anything and won’t be. All that placed an order are Shit Outa’ Luck”. No one answers phone calls, emails or anything else. The one thing that I’m glad about is that I put down a deposit and not the whole amount. At this point I’m pretty sure that this won’t end well, I just want to hear it from the horse’s mouth, and I’d LOVE to hear the complete story. Hell, I’m even willing to drive to Loris and buy dinner if Rob or whoever will tell me the whole story. I know the area, a friend of mine was raised there and I visited a number of times though it’s been a few years.
But to go along with that, if anyone wants to buy some new in the box ammo I’ve got a number of boxes that won’t go to use by me.
@pissedpara....Totally agree with you and I think everyone else patiently(beyond that now) waiting for some sort of HONEST status report...No BS or fluff to keep stringing people along.
It's interesting to read back through the forum and the continued pockets of silence. Its also interesting that last year around this time it was stated all backorders were gonna be filled by the summer of orders would begin...Hell, there was even a post of a prototype 357 AM back in the spring by Patrick himself.
With what I've read and can piece together....the money is gone. Patrick did say several months ago he would give refunds or supply guns....but with no money neither will happen.
My biggest gripe is the poor(no) communication that was stated would improve and hasn't. If I knew then what I know now I would've never dove in on paying to order an AM.
Rob and Patrick simply have to be seeing these posts. Would there be any legal reasons they don't make a statement?
I still think they played me with the "Paid In Full promo" knowing full well at the time it was a sinking ship, I would never have laid down this kind of money on a product that could not be delivered within a reasonable amount of time (in weeks much less years) but I always wanted this Handgun, so foolishly I took the bait.
I had the opportunity some years ago to meet Patrick and Rob twice at NRA conventions and since then I have had many conversations with Patrick. Yes I have my AutoMag ( with the rack tool which I would advise) and it is superb. Yes this was all just before all the legal stuff began. Patrick, as well as Rob, are very honest and decent people. Patrick’s whole goal is to provide us gun lovers with an excellent product . I am absolutely convinced that all this legal stuff has significantly tied his hands. However, based upon my multiple conversations with him I know he is reliable and dependable. I know that doesn’t do much for your understandable frustration but have faith that unless the legal system destroys AutoMag , Patrick will come through for you. Please know I did wait almost a year for mine but it is well worth the wait.
@willesmith2021 Thanks Will. In getting to know Patrick my impression is that like all of us(unless you are an attorney) you get overwhelmed by the system. I have always believed that the legal system purposely tries to complicate things. I do know that most people involved in this legal mess would just leave it. Patrick is not that kind of person. He really truly wants to build great handguns for all us gun lovers. The “system” is just trying hard to destroy him. I pray that they don’t. Patrick is too good for that!!