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Auto Mag Progress Update

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I recently was in contact with Mike Bush, through Facebook. He cannot post on this forum, for reasons he did not share with me. He asked that I pass this along. There have been numerous requests from customers, who wanted the legacy D models from Loris, rather than the new planned E models, from CT. In an effort to accommodate these requests, tentative plans by the management are, to produce a number of D models at Loris, so that facility will remain open, at least for the near future. Time frame for completion of these models, is unclear, as this is all tentative.

 I am only the messenger here.

Bartwatkins reacted
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@gbertolet I wonder what changes are going to be made for an "E" model?


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@dodgeramcharger - these are Mike Bush’s comments today on Facebook regarding the differences between D & E models:

“There are substantial and genuine design improvements over the "D" model. The frame is no longer made from a casting, the recoil rods cannot become unthreaded while firing the pistol, the operation/cocking of the pistol is highly improved by way of newly engineered, helical geometry associated with the locking and unlocking of the rotating bolt, the magazine will not fall out, and many other newly engineered and technologically advanced revisions brought to you by the best talent in the industry. However, the real beauty in all this is, the long appreciated iconic aesthetic is completely unchanged. Hope this helps....“

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@bartwatkins very interesting, thanks. Hopefully we will be seeing some videos along with some updates in the near future. Good to hear that the SC facility is going to be around for awhile.


Bartwatkins reacted
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Posted by: @robautomag

Hey Guys,

A lot of things have been going on in the last few days. The board has reconsidered their decision to close production in Loris and have decided to reopen the facility. I should have access to the Auto Mag phone number next week (hopefully Monday) and I will start going through the backlog of calls and emails. I should know more details next week and will be updating you all as quickly as I can. 

P.S. @packhawk In the process, I will try and figure out why some people get our emails and others don’t.

Hey Guys,

I miss understood what was conveyed to me. The board has requested what necessary to complete the model D production in Loris. It will take a few weeks to determine this and we will update whenever we have a better understanding.


Dodge1957 and PackHawk reacted
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Thanks for the info Rob - Just FYI - based on what Mike Bush told me on Facebook (posted above), I think that I would rather have the improvements on the E model anyway.


Posted by: @robautomag

Posted by: @robautomag

Hey Guys,

A lot of things have been going on in the last few days. The board has reconsidered their decision to close production in Loris and have decided to reopen the facility. I should have access to the Auto Mag phone number next week (hopefully Monday) and I will start going through the backlog of calls and emails. I should know more details next week and will be updating you all as quickly as I can. 

P.S. @packhawk In the process, I will try and figure out why some people get our emails and others don’t.

Hey Guys,

I miss understood what was conveyed to me. The board has requested what necessary to complete the model D production in Loris. It will take a few weeks to determine this and we will update whenever we have a better understanding.



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Yep, E model with all the improvements for me as well.  I'm willing to wait. 😉 

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For those near the top of the list, it will be a bird-in-hand question. If offered, do you accept a D-model now, or take a chance and wait for an E-model gun at some unknown point in the future? 🤔

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@pantera-mike  - I mean.... for me it will just depend on a couple of factors:

#1 - what is definition of "top of the list" (as at the time the last list came out I was like 125-128 on the list)

#2 - if actually offered (at my place on the wait list) a D Model now versus waiting some undisclosed time (also can they quantify that?) - I would likely go with the D model now - but again, that would also depend on the wait time for the E Model.

But at this point, this is all just speculation as the Loris SC facility is now just a "tenative" and is the Conneticut facility "closer" at this point to putting out the new E Models? Many factors (and questions yet to be answered).

All this new activity and information that we have now is awesome though!


PackHawk reacted
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Valid point. 

As I only ordered 10 months ago, I'm at the bottom of the list, so I'll be patient. 🙂 

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If only there was a way to tell where our place is on the list now…

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Lol, guess I’ll have to order an E model to add to my new Auto Mag Collection!

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@packhawk let's just hope that it really happens, and the price doesn't double! I expect there will have to be an increase, but maybe not too bad!


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Maybe I should stay out of this as I do not have anything on order from Auto Mag but I have been around AMP’s for over 25 years and I am still very interested in them.

I see Mike Bush is back posting on the private Facebook site.  He says he cannot post on this forum as he can’t register.  It is hard for me to figure how the self proclaimed spokesman for the company cannot get on to their company owned forum.  Please explain that one.

If he wants to use facebook, why not use the company sponsored facebook site?  Isn't that what it is for?

The site he is using is monitored by George Hebert.  I have nothing against George and he has been around AMP’s a long time.  George spent years on Ian’s site running down Patrick’s Company and questioning why they were doing some of the redesign work.  He even took a second screen name on that forum so he had two voices running down Patrick’s Company.  His main screen name was “Auto Mag” and Patrick requested the forum to take that name away as his Company owned it and they were getting calls from customers mistaking George for a Company Rep and asking why they were saying bad things about their product.  George quit Ian’s forum because of it.

I wish them well with their Model 180 E.  Non-cast frames would be great but extremely, extremely hard to machine.  People have given up trying.  If they are once again redesigning the bolt, these two changes could take years to accomplish.  Good luck

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Well Bob, its always interesting to see yourself in print and getting trashed by someone that has “nothing against you” and frankly its incredibly disheartening to have people spread gross misinformation about me when all I have ever tried to is help Auto Mag enthusiasts and even help Patrick and his team by setting the record straight about the original Auto Mags, which obviously they knew nothing about and still harbor too many misconceptions about.


So as we talk about misinformation, as best I recall it was Bruce Stark that had 2 accounts on Ians site so long ago, NOT me, and I don’t know if Bruce ever even denied it!


And apparently your interpretation of me disagreeing with anything, asking any questions, voicing concerns, or saying anything that was not 100% complementary was running down the company. Clearly from your perspective unless you are on the cheerleading squad of the new Auto Mag company, then you are a bad guy and should be ostracized. As that’s exactly what happened to me,,, I guess there is no such thing as someone looking out for others in your perspective. And guess what, as it turns out EVERY concern I raised, every question I asked, everything I disagreed with ALL turned out to be spot on. 100% correct. The current situation has finally proven me correct. Mike Bush personally told me that EVERY claim about improvements to the Auto Mag Model D were unproven! And now they are redesigning it because of the false claims. I didn’t make that up, I don’t know if I even agree with it, this is just what I was told. But no doubt I will again be trashed for even suggesting such.


But then I do understand your attempts to shield everyone from the genuine issues I raised, as it paid off nicely in the form of you and the other cheerleaders actually getting your guns long ago while others who have paid for theirs and been asking when they should expect theirs are still waiting and don’t even get updates. Funny how that works out.


But I hold no grudge. I have actually been a member here since the beginning, and keep out of the mix here and on Ians site these days because the manipulators trash every one that does not fall in line and go along with the game to get early delivery of their guns. And just to be 100% clear, no one took my screen name on the other site, I stopped using it because of the BS of the people playing games and the newbees who were spreading misinformation about the original guns.


I continue to participate on the FB page as that is the one Brian Maynard started, and out of sheer respect for him I do my best to help others and also keep the record straight. Sadly we will never know who put the dogs on Brian and caused too many of us to suffer the consequence. But I don’t blame him, he was just as much a victim had has suffered far more than anyone else if that tragedy.


As for anyone misunderstanding me as a rep for Patrick or the company, that’s not too likely. Not sure who spread that rumor, but its total BS. Just like I have tried to help educate Mike Bush with correct facts, I tried to help Patrick and his previous engineer, just the same as I have done for countless Auto Mag owners and shooters over the 35+ years!  


At one point I actually asked to have my account on Ians site erased and they said no, that I might want to come back someday, and they wanted to preserve it and the valuable things I had posted. So again I do not appreciate the misinformation.  


I continue to wish Patrick well, Mike Bush well, the company well, even though I truly believe they do not understand the Auto Mag, they are not executing a good business plan, they are not addressing the problems that need to be corrected, and that they are wasting time and money changing things that did not need to be changed, up to and including the exterior appearance of the Auto Mag. Yes I still strongly prefer the look of the original gun. But that one is just a personal preference.


I continue to wish you well, I just wish you would get your facts straight, and that you would not trash me or anyone else on-line with wrong information.


Like the rest here, I look forward to what the future brings for the Auto Mag, and truly hope it is better for everyone here. .


Signing off the same as always, ATB, GH

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