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Auto Mag Progress Update

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I just wish that someone, that we all recognize from Auto Mag, in an official capacity at Auto Mag, would get on this forum and explain to us what is really going on at Auto Mag and not cryptically beat around the bush.

Blatz62 reacted
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It was great to hear from Patrick and Rob, but they apparently were not allowed to elaborate on the whole picture of what has been going on.  And I have no idea where Mr.Bush fits into all of this or who he is.


I hope that the entire story will eventually present itself to us as I hope that Auto Mag will thrive and continue on in the future.

Blatz62 reacted
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Hi George, glad you are doing well.

My post was not to be about you but about the poor and contradictory communications being provided by Auto Mag Ltd to their customers.  I really do not understand what is going on.

I was told by Patrick by phone that he was in the process of getting your use of the screen name “Auto Mag” removed from Ian’s forum.  Both Patrick and Tim Bell told me they were being questioned by customers and potential customers about your posts on the forum and your connection to their company.

In looking back at old emails, I discovered that I was incorrect about the name change being the reason for your departure.  The moderator told me he did not remove it as you went away on your own accord before he had to.  He wanted to keep all the history in tact.

The moderator also told me that you did have multiple screen names and could not understand why you created the “Pasadena Joe” troll after being a long time and much respected participant on the forum.

This is all I am going to say on the subject.  The three Auto Mags I have received from Auto Mag Ltd are very nice firearms and I am pleased with them.  They are a big improvement over the old models I have. 

I wish the “Newly Revised Company” all the best and hope things get straightened out for the sake of their customers.  I also hope to receive some 357 AMP barrels from them in the future.

I will stay out of the fray from here on out.  Good luck to all.

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@bob-cohee Again, I dont care who told you what, much of this is out right lies.

I was NEVER asked to leave Ians forum, and did not have 2 accounts, that is someones fabrication or gross error in however they think they determine this.

I have come to know Pasadena Joe just exactly like I have come to know you, over a period of many years as his history went back a long time, not just the last few years, and like several others I have met and known him now for a long time. In truth he has actually visited me, as have other fellow Auto Mag enthusiasts. This is nothing new for me, as I have personally met a number of folks over the years and once I know anyone that treats me decently, I always offer to meet them if they are traveling through my area. Going back almost 20 years ago I recall having a wonderful dinner with Don Nixon and his wife in Boston, and that practice continues through to today as I am hoping to meet up with Brian Maynard very soon. And and in some cases, I have tried to find a way to meet other AM enthusiasts when I am on travel.

As for Joe, he is a unique guy and even more outspoken than I am. Make no mistake he is direct and plain spoken and just speaks his mind without concern for insulting anyone else. At last check he was retired and living quietly in a very rural area of Fla and I have not heard from him since COVID began. Believe it all or not, it has absolutely no impact on me. But like Brian M, and Don Nixon and some others, I welcome any communication from them or a personal visit at any time! But the idea that we are the same person is truly delusional. Not sure if he would laugh at that or be pissed off about such nonsense. Now on the other hand, Don would laugh and try to figure out how to use this BS rumor to stir things up just for fun. God I do miss Don,,,

As for others, LEJ I sorely miss, he and I got along great! We really clicked, and I will forever be thankful I was able to know him and his wife personally, not just exchange posts on a forum with him. But you will recall he was also a controversial figure and alienated many folks. Funny how no one accused me of being LEJ.

Jim Adams is another person MIA, Jim and I really hit it off, maybe there never was a Jim, maybe I'm Jim too? Nope, if anything I am worried about what happened to Jim as he literally disappeared and has not been heard from in too long.

Pretty much the same for Don Nixon and again no one accused me of setting a trolling account under his name. Don was another strongly opinionated person and one day after his son died, he just left the scene.

Maybe the same for Brian M, could I be secretly posting as Brian in the past and there never was a Brian???

All nonsense and fantasy. Oh, I dont doubt there are trolls stirring up lots of trouble, and they are likely making lots of money on the various Auto Mag scams that have gone on over the years, but your looking in the wrong direction. I have only ever lost money on Auto Mag items, I'm not the scammer working back end "brokering deals" and not making money on ANYTHING Auto Mag.

And regarding Patrick and or Tim stating somehow people were confusing me as an Auto Mag factory rep, it sounds pretty fishy, maybe there is actually a troll stirring up problems again, but you will find NOTHING posted from me or stated by me to anyone about being a factory rep or eluding to it in any way shape or form, thats just utter nonsense! I have never offered to contact anyone at Auto Mag or advocate for anyone. I have had many communications with Tim and few with Patrick but I have no real personal connection to them. If I were traveling through SC, I might stop by and say hello, and wish them well, but thats the extent of my relationship to them and the factory and I make no overtures to anything more. Its just not true and I dont have enough of a connection to them to ever attempt to mislead anyone of such. Its just a totally nonsense notion.

As for your experience with your new Auto Mags, as you have been a major advocate for the company I am not at all surprised to hear this. Likely your guns were given special attention, and good for you. But you cannot deny all the other posts about damaged or jammed guns and other problems up to and including an infamous video of a gun coming apart during shooting that I will not mention further. And let us not forget the guns where the owners could not cycle the slide, something that we were all told would be greatly easier than any original Auto Mag, but ultimately turned out to be more difficult than any cleaned and oiled Pasadena. Ultimately some of the new guns turned out to be so difficult to cycle, that the company made a tool to assist the shooter to rack the bolt! You never heard of that in an original unless it had been sitting in dried oil for many years and was glued together.

But I am not here to list all the problems in the very short run of these new guns, quite the opposite I hope they can work it out, but that ONLY happens if people are honest and share their experiences, thoughts and concerns. NOT because a handful of guys who know very little about Auto Mags figure it out in the back room of the factory. Well thats my experience. Yours may differ and as I have always said, you are entitled to your opinion, right up to the point where you start personal attacks, as in your second post mentioning me again and making accusations. Such accusations will not go unanswered. I have done nothing to warrant what you have posted, and your post has absolutely NOTHING to do with the status of the Auto Mag company. Such posts are simply trolling and baiting and LIES. Please refrain form further personal attacks and we will be able to have very civil and hopefully honest exchanges about Auto Mags even if we dislike or disagree with others opinions. Well I can only hope.

Well again I have let myself get sucked into a sewer of lies and nonsense and wasted way too much time on outright BS. Hopefully I will learn my lesson soon about ignoring such posts.

Wishing you well in keeping out of it, but so far you are doing worse than me,,,




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Posted by: @wcapps10363

I too got tired of waiting and have asked for a refund.  

How long did it take to get your refund?


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I don’t see Auto Mag among the exhibitors at the NRA annual meeting, which along with the SHOT show is the largest and most important show in the nation. Are they sharing space with somebody else, as they have sometimes done at the SHOT show? Or are they not going at all?

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@blazenet It took about 4 to 6 weeks. This was during the transition period, I believe it would probably be faster now.

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Sure is quiet in here… has anyone heard anything from anywhere?

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Hey guys, we are working hard behind the scenes. I will update you guys as soon as I can.

PackHawk, Blatz62, AndyC and 1 people reacted
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@andyc all things considered, would it be better to get a set of G10’s and save the walnut grips?

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@pantera-mike great question, wish I knew myself.

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@blatz62 Yep, probably - tougher for sure. Still, I wish they were black - I've tried dyeing a set for my 6.5" (they look ok-ish).

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I would love to see some black, red, and white G10 grips for the AutoMag.  Maybe with the Auto Mag logo on them.


Has anyone heard anything about rubber finger groove grips from Hogue?

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Patrick sent me a couple of photos in fall of 2018:



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Another one….

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