Reloading Data
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Reloading Data

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I am Looking forward to fire the very first rounds of ammo when the gun arrives. I have been looking for load data and the Website for Hodgdon  has some limited information.

Maybe the Automag team will provide some useful information to ensure this of us who frequently visit the range or hunt can fire this beast with safety and longevity in mind (smiling).

Hunting season starts in a few more weeks!

The first 50 new cases have been loaded up and are ready to go.



Benny123 reacted
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this is from Barry Duckworth. Thought it might be helpful. We don’t load Ammo. 

(1) Winchester 296 
(2) Ramshot Enforcer by Western Powders 
Note: Enforcer powder is a slightly faster burning powder that W296 
Bullets Hornady XTP bullets
RCBS group (B) and a new carbide sizer die P/N 55010 
RCBS case forming die set 44 Auto Mag From 308 P/N 40039 
# 3 RCBS shell holder 
Loading data
In Search of 1250 fps   
By Barry Duckworth and Bruce Stark   
August 2002   
Barry Duckworth and I worked for about 8 months on loads for the Auto Mag. The original reason was to determine the usefulness of the new Ramshot powders in Auto Mag loading. Rick Mutascio explained that some new exotic powders have a delayed volatility that causes a flatter burning curve, which allows a longer burn. All that being said, the Auto Mags barrels proved to be too short to take advantage of this feature. The new thrust of the tests was to find a good load and to determine the subtleties that would insure consistency. As the gun was designed to shoot 44 magnum loads, those specifications would be our goal. I have been told many times that when Elmer Keith designed the 44 magnum, he wanted a 240-grain bullet to travel at 1260 feet per second. He was reportedly using a 6.5” revolver for his tests. The article to be written of our results was to be titled, “In search of 1260 FPS.” I have not been able to confirm the 1260 FPS figure and Barry says 1250 FPS would be a more realistic goal. I have sat on the test results for a half a year trying to make a good read of it. Instead of lists of loading data, I wanted a story or something to tie all the information together. Barry ended up doing it himself and has pulled it off brilliantly. Now that this information is being distributed, Barry has said that all the information should be read before filling any cases. He doesn’t want people to pick a load and then complain that they didn’t have good results.   
By reading you will see that:   
1) You can only get consistent results from a piece of manufactured brass after it has once been fire formed in your chamber.   
2) Overall length is critical. This determines how close the bullet is to the powder. This also speaks to the importance of a full case. If the powder is allowed to splash around inside the case, the end results will be all over the map. The taper crimp is also valuable as it insures that the bullet doesn’t move while in the magazine under recoil, affecting OAL. A powder that fills the case is also a good way to avoid double charging.   
3) The four different types of brass we used also provide four different sets of data.   
4) Different types of powder result in different sets of data.   
5) The different barrel lengths, temperatures, primers, etc., etc.   
A properly lubricated and mechanically sound gun will be needed before you can put these loads to the test.   
I have a stock North Hollywood gun that eats up Norma ammo. More than once I have fired three of my five shots and have handed the gun to another guy on the range to try out. He has two stovepipes in a row. I load up a fresh mag and the gun fires all five like a champ. This means, HOLD THE DAMN GUN STILL!! Do not let this gun recoil into a limp wrist. You want to use the recoil to cycle the gun. It’s not a gas-op!   
Lastly, in a revolver the barrel length is measured from the front of the bullet to the end of the barrel. In a semi-auto the barrel is measured from the bolt-face to the end of the barrel. Considering that the Auto Mags cartridge has an OAL of 1.6”, the Auto Mags 6.5” barrel actually only has only 4.9” of rifled barrel! This means that the 1250 FPS in a 6.5” revolver barrel is equivalent to 1250 FPS in an Auto Mag 8.1” barrel. I don’t know of any Auto Mag 8.1” barrels so you may want to split the difference between the 6.5” and 8.5” barrels loading data to be right where you should be. Please read all of Barry’s information. He has put a lot of time and effort into researching and developing this information. He has been loading for 17 years, has been a competition shooter for several years and takes this very seriously.   
Bruce Stark   
A Quest for The 44 Auto Mag   
This is meant to be an informative gathering of loading information concerning the 44 Auto Mag.   
All information listed herein has been tested in the field.   
Included here is loading data, safety tips, information on case capacities of the various type of brass used for the Auto Mag, how changing components will affect the load, some do’s and don’ts and some information that has never been talked about before to my knowledge   
First of all I would like to make it clear that this information is not backed-up by any pressure testing. None has ever been done on the Auto Mag cartridges to my knowledge. This information will resemble loading manual text. Use Caution when using this information.   
To begin with, we will look at some basic information that is used throughout the test.   
The types of brass used:   
(1) R-P 308 cases reformed (USA)   
(2) CDM brass (Mexico)   
(3) Norma brass (SWEDEN)   
(4) Star-Line brass (USA)   
Note (1): all brass has been trimmed to the same length — 1.294 – 1.295”   
Note (2): different Auto Mags have been known to have different chamber lengths, some longer, some shorter. Know your chamber length!   
Primers used:   
Only Winchester large pistol (LP) primers for standard or magnum loads were used.   
(1) Sierra 240gr JHP (Jacketed Hollow Point)   
(2) Speer 240gr GDHP (Gold Dot Hollow point), for comparison only.   
Note: all bullets were seated to the same OAL (over all length), except where noted for a comparison.   
OAL: 1.600”   
(1) Winchester 296   
(2) Ramshot Enforcer by Western Powders   
Note: Enforcer powder is a slightly faster burning powder that W296   
Firearm used:   
TDE El Monte 44 Auto Mag   
Barrel Lengths:   
(1) 6 ½   
(2) 8 ½ Magna Ported   
Dies used:   
RCBS group (B) and a new carbide sizer die P/N 55010   
RCBS case forming die set 44 Auto Mag From 308 P/N 40039   
# 3 RCBS shell holder   
Scale used:   
Dillon digital   
Press used:   
RCBS Rock Chucker   
Safety Tips:   
Some people have incorrectly assumed that being a 44 Magnum type cartridge that 44 REM. magnum loading data can be used to load the 44 Auto Mag. This is NOT recommended at all because I believe there has never been any pressure testing done on any of the Auto Mag family of cartridges. There is some hope that this can be done. I have spoken to the ballistics guys at Western Powder and they are willing to do the pressure testing if someone will pay for the test barrel and the sensors. The 44 Rem. Mag operates at a max pressure of 36000psi, which is way too high for the Auto Mag and could damage the bolt, on both ends, and the locking lugs in the barrel extension.   The Sierra loading manuals loading data is too hot and is not recommended, but does give some clues as to what powders to use.   
Next we have reformed cases from the various rifle cartridges like 308, 30-06, 243 and the like. When you first make a new case from one of these, it is best advised to fire form it with a low powder charge. If you don’t it will cause very high pressure spikes. When seating the bullets you may notice that the noses of the bullets are deformed from the seating plug and the case will swell around the bullet. You may also see a shaving of lead when using non-jacketed bullets. This is from the case not being to spec. Fire forming will correct this. I must stress using the lowest powder charges when fire forming new brass. You will see the reason for this demonstrated in the test farther along. How deeply you ream your case will also affect capacity and pressures. Some (like myself) only ream a case just deep enough to seat the bullet without any case bulges, or approximately 0.10 below the bottom of the seated bullet. Others may ream the case to the bottom of the case itself. Some say that reaming all the way to the bottom of the case helps in standardizing the cases.   
Using different components will change the performance and pressures. This will also be demonstrated later on in the testing portion. Changing the case, bullet, seating depth and even the primer will cause changes even if you use the same powder charge.   
Next we have powder choices. It is best advised to use the slower powders. The faster burning powders like Unique will slam the bolt back, which is very hard on the lugs at both ends of the bolt and the lugs in the barrel. Slower burning powders with a fuller case work the best. I will demonstrate this shortly in my first testing of the Ramshot powder. When I first started loading W296 I started the same way as in testing the Enforcer powder.   
Primers are also an important point to discuss. Using standard pistol primers with large charges of slow burning powders is not recommended. This is mainly due to the fact that you may not burn all the powder from one shot to the next. You might try increasing the charge to get the desired results but over charging the case will surely cause a pressure spike and will eventually result in disaster.   
It is best to use MAGNUM primers with the slower burning powders. Using rifle primers is not recommended, as they will cause a pressure spike because they make the powder to burn too fast. Reducing the charge to try and get rifle primers to work will also cause a pressure spike and an inconsistent powder burn.   
I’m sure there are more, but being hand loaders, I hope that we all use the safety rules that are well established.   
Test Results In the Kitchen   
(At the loading bench)   
This testing was started because we were looking for a cleaner and better powder to use in the 44 Auto Mag, or, as some would say “The Magic Silver Bullet”. Many loads work well, but we continue to keep looking for the one that is a little better.   
We decided to check the case capacities to establish what we will call a “Good Case Fill” for the four different types of brass we used. Also included here is the case capacity of a standard R-P 44 REM. Mag case.   
We used W296 powder as a media to measure the case capacities. Keep in mind that all cases are the same length i.e. 1.294-1.295” except for the 44 REM. Mag case. It has a maximum length is 1.285”. Remember it is a shorter case!!!   
Case Capacities:   
REM. 44 Magnum Case:        39.0grs   
CDM Brass:                            35.7grs   
Norma Brass:                          38.7grs   
Star-Line Brass:                      38.5grs   
R-P 308 cases reformed:         35.3grs           Note: (after fire forming)   
Note the differences in the case capacities between the cases. They may not seem like much but they do make a lot of difference. You will see this later in the field-testing. Yes, the Norma and the Star- Line brass are very close to the 44 REM. Mag case, but remember, the 44 REM. Mag is a revolver cartridge.   
Now by using this information, the information gathered from the various loading manuals and from the Ramshot loading manual on the Enforcer powder, it was determined that the Enforcer powder is a very close match to W296. I decided to start loading for a cycle test with 16.0grs of Enforcer powder. I increased the load in ½ grain increments verifying that the slide would lock back. I only loaded one round of each going up to 19.0grs of Enforcer powder. Remember this was the first test of loads to determine what will cycle the gun.   
Range test results- Ramshot Enforcer Powder- Star-line Brass   
16.0grs—locked slide back————-velocity            1054fps   
16.5grs— slide did not lock back—– velocity           870fps   
17.0grs—slide locked back———— velocity            1023fps   
17.5grs— slide locked back———— velocity           1000fps   
18.0grs— slide locked back————-velocity           928fps   
18.5grs—-slide locked back———— velocity           1005fps   
19.0grs—-slide locked back———— velocity           1108fps   
Note the roller coaster velocities. This is a direct result of poor case fill. The powder moves around too much and does not burn evenly. The jumps in velocity are what we call “SPIKING”.   
I decided to use 18.5grs of Enforcer to start with and to go up to 20.0grs. Because I will be using Sierra bullets for my test and not wanting to reach 36,000psi, 20.0grs would seem to be the “MAX.”   I would use this powder with caution trying to not exceed 30,000psi.   
Now for more cooking   
I made up 25 reformed R-P 308 cases reamed only deep enough to seat the Sierra bullet without any case bulging, (about .100 below the base of the bullet when seated). The noses of the bullets deformed when seated due to the fact that the cases were not fire formed yet and were a tight fit even though I expanded the case and case mouth with the expander die and plug. These were also once fired 308 cases when I started. Now then, like I said, I decided to start at 18.5grs of Enforcer powder. I loaded up 4 sets of 4 rounds each starting with 18.5grs and increasing the load by 1/2gr until I reached 20.0grs. I know what your thinking here, Hey what about using the lowest powder charge to fire form!   
“Remember this is a test” and I felt it would be in the best interest to show what happens here. You WILL be greatly surprised at the next 2 trips to the range!   
TEST (1) R-P 308 cases fire forming 18.5grs-20.0grs Enforcer powder, Win. LP (primer) for STD or mag loads, Sierra 240gr JHP, OAL 1.600, barrel length 6 1/2in   
Do NOT use the highlighted loads for fire forming   
            18.5grs            19.0grs            19.5grs            20.0grs   
(1)        1171                1236                1276                1350    Fps   
(2)        1194                1277                1273               1307    Fps   
(3)        1197                1232                1302               1329    Fps   
(4)        1192                1279                1292               1311    Fps   
All other cases were fire formed at 18.5grs. These tests were to show that the pressure increases quickly in un-fire formed cases and become excessive . You may think that these velocities are normal in your Model 29, but that is a revolver! Barrel lengths are measured differently between Auto loaders and revolvers. Auto loaders, your chamber is part of the barrel and in a revolver it is not.   
The next test uses the same brass after fire forming, and the same loading specs. You will see a big difference between the 2 sets of data. And we used 5 loadings for each group instead of 4. I didn’t want to beat up my gun too badly.   
TEST (2) R-P 308 cases reformed and fire formed   
All loads are the same as the first test, bullet, oal, primers, case length, powder charges and barrel length.   
18.5grs            19.0grs            19.5grs(MAX) 20.0grs (NOT RECOMMENDED)   
(1)        1146                1211                1245                1272    Fps   
(2)        1162                1226                1259                1264    Fps   
(3)        1157                1210                1246                1268    Fps   
(4)        1155                1226                1232                1265    Fps   
(5)        1148                1234                1258                1285    Fps   
NOTE: The velocities are now lower but more consistent. This is due to the fact that now the reformed cases are uniform in dimensions inside the cases as well as the outside and are now to the 44 Auto Mag specs. The lower velocities also mean that the pressures are lower too. This is the reason for fire forming your brass after reforming and reaming from your favorite rifle brass. I cannot stress enough to use low powder charges in this process.   
Also now that the cases are fire formed, the bullets will seat better and not deform the soft lead noses of the bullets being used.   
NOTE: I had my seater plug reworked to where the soft tipped nose of the bullet does not contact the inside top of the plug.   Instead it makes contact on the copper jacket so it does not deform the tip and I get a better OAL when seating the bullet. Remember here that I am using Sierra 240gr JHP’s, and they have a soft lead tip and a sharp angled ogive. Other bullets like the Speer 240gr GDHP bullets have a rounded ogive tip and a rounded seater plug will not deform the tip as long as the radius matches fairly closely.   
Our next test is with the same R-P 308 cases and all loading components are the same except that we are changing the bullet to a Speer 240gr GDHP. This bullet is shorter in length than the Sierra by about .040 of an inch. Which means we will have more space inside our case after seating the bullet. This will make a difference in velocity.   
TEST (3) R-P 308 cases reformed and fire formed, Win. LP for STD or mag loads, Enforcer powder, OAL 1.600, case length 1.294-1.295, Bullet- Speer 240gr GDHP (Gold Dot hollow point) 


18.5grs            19.0grs            19.5grs            20.0grs (MAX)   
(1)        1084                1166                1222                1235    Fps   
(2)        1147                1183                1224                1257    Fps   
(3)        1103                1161                1186                1224    Fps   
(4)        1092                1171                1209                1209    Fps   
(5)        1128                1171                1186                1228    Fps   
Notice the lower velocities again. This is due to the fact that the Speer bullet is shorter than the Sierra. We have less bullet seated in the case and more room for the powder to move around which creates less pressure and poorer ignition. This just goes to show what a change in one component will do.   
So far we have now looked at using reformed brass from R-P 308 cases, before fire forming, after fire forming and what a simple change in the bullet will do. Remember though, any change in components will make your results change, for better or worse.   
For the next test we will be using Star-Line brass and Enforcer powder.   
TEST (1) Star-Line Brass, OAL 1.600, Sierra 240gr JHP, Ramshot Enforcer Powder, Win. LP for STD or magnum loads, case length 1.294-1.295   


18.5grs            19.0grs            19.5grs            20.0grs (MAX)            20.5grs (TOO HOT)   
(1)        1112                1174                1185                1191                1261    Fps   
(2)        1119                1161                1182                1222                1275    Fps   
(3)        1109                1145                1186                1232                1274    Fps   
(4)        1109                1167                1187                1248                1273    Fps   
(5)        1119                1165                1211                1243                1280    Fps   
Note (1): A larger sampling group would yield more consistent velocities, but this is only a small test to give you an idea of performance.   
Note (2:) 18.5grs is probably a little on the low side for the larger capacity cases I.e. Star-Line and Norma.   
For those who might consider seating the bullet deeper to compensate for the larger capacity cases, i.e. Star-Line and Norma, I did this test too. This is not recommended because you will be increasing the pressure which at different levels you will give you different results, one result being excessive pressures.   
This will be my dedication page. This page is to either say thanks for reading this far before going to the loading tables a few pages farther along, and not hitting the loading bench with the stated loads thus far. To those that just skipped over everything and went to the loading tables and the loading bench and are screaming that the loads contained are junk, or you have broken your Auto Mag and are now just reading this and cussing me, I   
say to you, YOU SHOULD HAVE READ ALL THE INFORMATION FIRST STUPID!!!! I thought about making this page 2, but if you were going to skip thru everything and go to the loading tables you wouldn’t have read it any way.   
All information here was not done in a lab under controlled parameters, and with all the fancy testing equipment like in all of your published reloading manuals. However I did my best to gather all the information I could and used the reloading manuals as guides, as well as talking to a few ballistic guys at Western Powders. I did research as much as possible into everything I could in determining what to use and how much. Every loading manual uses its listed bullets and other components in a controlled atmosphere with pressure testing equipment and far far more ballistic knowledge than I have.   All I can say is that I did my homework with what was at hand and available to me. As stated so many times before in published loading manuals of all manufacturers, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK, NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGE OR INJURY FROM USING ANY OR ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED IN ANY OF THESE PAGES !!!!   
NOTE: In all the rest of the tests, the only changes made will be in powder charge, type of powder and type of brass. Everything else is the same.   
OAL: 1.294-1.295   
Primers: Winchester LP for STD or magnum loads   
Bullet: Sierra 240gr JHP   
Barrel length: 6 ½   
Powder (1):    Ramshot Enforcer   
Powder (2):    W 296   
Brass (1-4):     R-P 308 cases reformed and fire formed   
From the kitchen to the range   
Test: Ramshot Enforcer and R-P 308 cases (6.5” Bbl.)   
18.5grs            19.0grs            19.5grs (MAX)            20.0grs (TOO HOT)   
(1)        1146                1211                1245                1272    Fps   
(2)        1162                1226                1259                1264    Fps   
(3)        1157                1210                1246                1268    Fps   
(4)        1155                1226                1232                1265    Fps   
(5)        1148                1234                1258                1285    Fps   
Avg:    1153                1221                1248                1270    Fps   
Test: Ramshot Enforcer and Star-Line brass (6.5” Bbl.)   
18.5grs            19.0grs            19.5grs            20.0grs (MAX)   
(1)        1112                1174                1185                1191    Fps   
(2)        1119                1161                1182                1222    Fps   
(3)        1109                1145                1186                1232    Fps   
(4)        1109                1167                1187                1248    Fps   
(5)        1119                1165                1211                1243    Fps   
Avg:    1113                1162                1190                1227    Fps   
Test: Ramshot Enforcer and CDM brass (6.5” Bbl.)   
18.5grs            19.0grs            19.5grs            20.0grs(MAX)   
(1)        1161                1174                1227                1269    Fps   
(2)        1169                1175                1244                1254    Fps   
(3)        1159                1184                1224                1268    Fps   
(4)        1167                1196                1233                1256    Fps   
(5)        1174                1186                1214                1291    Fps   
Avg:    1166                1183                1228                1267    Fps   
TEST: Ramshot Enforcer and Norma brass (6.5” Bbl.)   
18.5grs            19.0grs            19.5grs            20.0grs   
(1)        1092                1147                1186                1226    Fps   
(2)        1091                1113                1197                1234    Fps   
(3)        1116                1113                1169                1249    Fps   
(4)        1092                1135                1200                1233    Fps   
(5)        1100                1106                1214                1227    Fps   
Avg:    1098                1122                1193                1233    Fps   
Note (1): If you have been paying attention you will notice that the larger capacity cases yielded slightly lower velocities and the cases with the smaller capacities have the MAX load warning. The 308 cases and the CDM cases are the low capacity cases and the Norma and Star-Line brass are the high capacity cases.   
Note (2): If you haven ‘t noticed yet, averages have been put in because this is all you see in the published reloading manual. Believe it or not! As a reminder, no two guns will yield the same velocities or performance for the same load. They maybe close or they maybe far apart, Believe it or not.   
In the next set of loading data, the only changes made were in the powder used and the starting and top loads in the different types of brass. Now all loadings will be done with W296 powder. These are the only changes!   
Test: W296 and R-P 308 cases (6.5” Bbl.)   
19.5grs            20.0grs            20.5grs            21.0grs(MAX)   
(1)        1142                1165                1197                1267    Fps   
(2)        1103                1197                1227                1249    Fps   
(3)        1097                1142                1201                1234    Fps   
(4)        1114                1175                1219                1239    Fps   
(5)        1128                1137                1225                1253    Fps   
Avg:    1116                1163                1213                1248    Fps   
Test: W296 and CDM brass (6.5” Bbl.)   
19.5grs            20.0grs            20.5grs            21.0grs   
(1)        1114                1169                1186                1261    Fps   
(2)        1139                1172                1214                1260    Fps   
(3)        1121                1208                1178                1267    Fps   
(4)        1127                1141                1154                1234    Fps   
(5)        1130                1163                1201                1259    Fps   
Avg:    1126                1170                1186                1256    Fps   
For the next 2 sets we increased the powder charges because of the larger case capacity. This will give you a MAX LOAD and a PUSHING IT LOAD. Neither one is recommended for consistent shooting . Maybe the PUSHING IT LOAD could be used for long-range hunting. This would be your Maximum load and is unsafe for any Auto Mag in poor condition. For people who choose to use the PUSHING IT LOAD, I will say a prayer !!!!!!! 
Test: W296 and Norma brass (6.5” Bbl.)   
19.5grs            20.0grs            20.5grs            21.0grs            21.5grs            22.0grs   
(1)        1034                1068                1117                1176                1231                1278   
(2)        1070                1123                1113                1174                1233                1265   
(3)        1089                1133                1167                1232                1259                1263   
(4)        1081                1150                1143                1195                1238                1261   
(5)        1109                1105                1146                1203                1233                1273   
Avg:    1076                1115                1137                1196                1238                1268   
Test: W296 and Star-Line brass (6.5” Bbl.)   
19.5grs            20.0grs            20.5grs            21.0grs            21.5grs            22.0grs   
(1)        1095                1098                1163                1209                1236                1267   
(2)        1094                1128                1153                1190                1242                1223   
(3)        1077                1091                1157                1187                1196                1259   
(4)        1077                1121                1158                1186                1208                1222   
(5)        1056                1098                1127                1208                1214                1263   
Avg:    1079                1107                1151                1196                1219                1246   
So there you have the loading tables for the 44 Auto Mag with a 6½ inch barrel. It was an interesting process. It was some where in here that I shot my chronograph right in the LED display and had to buy another one. I sent it down range about 30ft and in 5 or 6 pieces. But hey, I like my new one better.   
And a NOTE for all those who are really particular about testing, the temperatures for all testing were done between 70 and 80 degrees.   
NOTE: The slower powders are a little sensitive to temperature. The cooler it is the lower the performance, the higher the temperature the better the performance to a point. But don’t try to make-up loads for cooler and hotter temps . This is not wise as you could over do it and disaster will be your buddy.   
Next stop, back to the kitchen to reload again and for a barrel change. The next sets of data will be shot from an 8½ inch magna ported barrel. This will be the only change. The loads that you have seen so far will be repeated but in the longer barrel. And I think we named that section right.   
Can you say,   
HOLY SHIT !!!!!?   
In this next section, all case data, powder charges, primers, OAL and bullets are the same as in the previous loading tables. The only thing we changed here was the barrel length from a 61/2 inch barrel to an 81/2 inch barrel. I am not going to repeat the title of this section because it may be offensive to some, but those were the first words out of my mouth when I looked at the LED readout on my chronograph.   
I was greatly surprised at the result with the longer barrel. I knew that there would be some velocity increase, but not near what I got.   
So for those who like having all the information re-listed for quick reference at the beginning of this table here it is.   
TEST: 44 Auto Mag   
Test gun: TDE El Monte 44 Auto Mag   
Barrel length: 8 ½ inches Magna Ported   
Bullet: Sierra 240gr JHP   
Brass: R-P 308 cases reformed and fire formed   
CDM brass   
Norma brass   
Star-Line brass   
Case length: 1.294-1.295   
OAL: 1.600   
Primers: Winchester LP for STD or mag loads   
Powders: Ramshot Enforcer (by Western Powders)   
Winchester W296   
The first loading tables will be done with the Enforcer powder, 18.5grs – 20.0grs. The 20.0 grain loads will be considered as PUSHING IT loads and are not recommended except for maybe a hunting load . The 20 grain loads should only be used in an Auto Mag that is in very very good condition.   
The test is also done in 2 groups based on case capacity. The R-P 308 and the CDM brass are very close to the same and will be listed first. The Star-Line and the Norma brass have a larger case capacity and are grouped together. The loads are increased by .5grs (½ gr.)   
I have not mentioned this yet but if you own a Contender chambered for the 44 Auto Mag cartridge, the “Pushing It loads”, should be safe because the Contender is made for HIGH pressure cartridges and can take the punishment.   
Now I take you from the kitchen to the Range.   
TEST: Powder- Ramshot Enforcer and R-P 308 cases (8.5” Bbl.)   
18.5grs            19.0grs            19.5grs(MAX) 20.0grs(TOO HOT) 
(1)        1272                1312                1328                1406    Fps   
(2)        1254                1288                1368                1377    Fps   
(3)        1256                1275                1350                1402    Fps   
(4)        1278                1316                1333                1367    Fps   
(5)        1256                1321                1337                1355    Fps   
Avg:    1263                1302                1343                1381    Fps   
TEST: Powder- Ramshot Enforcer and CDM Brass (8.5” Bbl.)   
18.5grs            19.0grs            19.5grs(MAX) 20.0grs(TOO HOT) 
(1)        1261                1297                1348                1383    Fps   
(2)        1268                1307                1342                1384    Fps   
(3)        1254                1318                1337                1368    Fps   
(4)        1259                1311                1332                1381    Fps   
(5)        1278                1320                1349                1400    Fps   
Avg:    1264                1310                1341                1383    Fps   
Note the velocity increases, just from changing to the 8 1/2in barrel, this was exciting!!!!! And the velocities were more even in each group. This was due to the fact that the powder had more barrel to burn in.   
Star-Line and Norma brass continued on next page to keep them together.   
TEST: Powder- Ramshot Enforcer and: Star-Line brass (8.5” Bbl.)   
            18.5grs            19.0grs            19.5grs            20.0grs(MAX) 20.5grs(TOO HOT)   
(1)        1283                1241                1290                1340                1380    Fps   
(2)        1260                1251                1293                1330                1380    Fps   
(3)        1290                1253                1316                1344                1375    Fps   
(4)        1250                1257                1305                1340                Error   Fps   
(5)        1263                1293                1298                1322                1366    Fps   
Avg:    1269                1259                1300                1335                1375    Fps   
TEST: Powder- Ramshot Enforcer and Norma Brass (8.5” Bbl.)   
18.5grs            19.0grs            19.5grs            20.0grs(MAX) 20.5grs(TOO HOT)   
(1)        1253                1294                1313                1334                1396    Fps   
(2)        1244                1254                1300                1341                1406    Fps   
(3)        1240                1265                1277                1341                1407    Fps   
(4)        1233                1235                1289                1313                1403    Fps   
(5)        1204                1267                1324                1321                1407    Fps   
Avg:    1234                1263                1300                1330                1403 WOW!!!!   
I did not expect to hit 1400fps at all.   
I know, I know, you are wondering about the first 2 loadings of the Star-Line brass. Don’t ask me, I just shot the bullet through the chronograph. All loading was done one set of 5 at a time using a Dillon digital scale. I don’t know what happened. Maybe I miss-marked them when I loaded them. This gets a little confusing after a while. I’m only HUMAN!   
Back to the kitchen to reload, but now with W296. This will be the only change made, and these are the final loading tables.   
Test: Powder- W 296 and R-P 308 Cases (8.5” Bbl.)   
            19.5grs            20.0grs            20.5grs            21.0grs(MAX)   
(1)        1240                1287                1316                1340    Fps   
(2)        1234                1269                1305                1361    Fps   
(3)        1246                1297                1289                1359    Fps   
(4)        1228                1284                1325                1357    Fps   
(5)        1232                1275                1303                1366    Fps   
Avg:    1236               1282                1307                1356    Fps   
Test: Powder W296 and CDM brass (8.5” Bbl.)   
19.5grs            20.0grs            20.5grs            21.0grs(MAX)   
(1)        1223                1251                1338                1322    Fps   
(2)        1196                1279                1312                1359    Fps   
(3)        1221                1228                1291                1342    Fps   
(4)        1203                1297                1290                1330    Fps   
(5)        1178                1247                1304                1333    Fps   
Avg:    1204                1260                1307                1337    Fps   
Test: Powder W296 and Norma brass (8.5” Bbl.)   
19.5grs            20.0grs            20.5grs            21.0grs            21.5grs(MAX)   
(1)        1217                1236                1284                1333                1364    Fps   
(2)        1195                1253                1277                1332                1375    Fps   
(3)        1221                1266                1267                1320                1374    Fps   
(4)        1179                1232                1279                1283                1349    Fps   
(5)        1215                1246                1285                1317                1359    Fps   
Avg:    1205                1246                1278                1317                1364    Fps   
Test: Powder W296 and Star-Line brass (8.5” Bbl.)   
19.5grs            20.0grs            20.5grs            21.0grs            21.5grs(MAX)   
(1)        1209                1272                Error               1317                1370    Fps   
(2)        1191                1259                1274                1320                1357    Fps   
(3)        1199                1280                1295                1325                1371    Fps   
(4)        1180                1273                1282                1318                1356    Fps   
(5)        1208                1289                1291                1330                1355    Fps   
Avg:    1196                1274                1285                1322                1361    Fps   
Last test;   
Bruce sent me six rounds of Cor-Bon ammo to test in my 6.5” barreled gun. He had already put a proper taper crimp on the rounds so I didn’t have any chambering problems. Now I’m no light weight. I’m 5’9” and 180 pounds, but it shook me all the way to my spine and gave me a headache. The results show the Cor-Bon ammo to be very consistent and right at the stated 1450 FPS. The first round was used to site in the gun and the speed wasn’t recorded.   
 TEST: Cor-bon Ammo (6.5” Barrel)   
(1)        1452    Fps   
(2)           1483       Fps   
(3)        1455    Fps   
(4)           1450       Fps   
(5)           1449       Fps   
Avg:       1457       Fps   
So there you have it folks, one weekend ballistic warriors work. I hope you enjoy the data taken from these loads as much as I did shooting them. This typing stuff is for someone else. I spent more time putting this work together than I did loading it and shooting it. Remember, exercise caution and be safe. Shoot a lot and have fun.   
I will try to answer questions that anyone may have if asked. Just try and put them plainly and simply. If I don’t know, that’s what I’ll tell you. If I do have an answer, I’ll do my best to keep it simple.   
My e-mail is:   
Much thanks goes to Bruce Stark who donated much of the brass, Cor-Bon ammo, the 8 1/2in barrel and his vast knowledge of the 44 Auto Mag

Blatz62 reacted
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What taper die make did you use?

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This is great information! It will be the first time I will be using Starline brass that I purchased new for the .44 AMP. I have been sung Starline brass for my .460 Rowland converted 1911 and for my son’s converted Glock and I am hoping for good performance from the .44 AMP casings. I should have more bullets arriving this coming week in preparations for future reloading when the new handgun arrives and I burn through some W296. 

Blatz62 reacted
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Posts: 22

Remember that most current loading data is based on the original Auto Mag which on had a 6 inch barrel. Most of the Guns we will  be shipping will be with the 8 ½ which will bump your velocities up at least a few hundred FPS. 


Blatz62 and Paul.Wolf reacted
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Patrick, don’t forget about our discussion about those spent casings from endurance testing. I would like to purchase some of these if possible.

It will help after the initial break-in to use spent cases that have had their initial fire forming for more consistent and accurate reloading after cleaning, etc.

Don’t be concerned about the condition of them, I also have the means to clean them up nicely and doing this work (for me) brings back memories of my Dad and I reloading in preparation for upcoming hunting seasons. He is gone now, but the memories live on and I use the time and memories to pass along to my Son.

Greatly appreciated!


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Absolutely Patrick! I am looking forward to the performance of the 8 1/2” pistol I ordered. It will also be much more reliable and consistent than the Wildey .45 Magnum I purchased many years ago. Adjustable gas’s sounds nice, but the AMP design is much better.

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How close are we to shipping some pistols???

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@phenry3 How close are we to shipping the pistol s???

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the first batch will go out next week  


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I found the following 44 AMT cartridge information a while back which also has some reloading tables. I though I found this on the previous version of this site but I may very well be mistaken. These appear to be copies of original documents so it would be good to know if the data is still valid for the new version.



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Apparently we cannot attach PDF files. Hopefully JPEGs are OK

BeltFedEd reacted
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Here is page 2

BeltFedEd reacted
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@brian Do you know where this reloading data came from?   IS this from the company test rounds or a individual?  Was wondering on how safe/reliable this information is.


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@Cujo1 I do not recall exactly where I found this data for 44 and 357 Automag. I assume that they were created by the original Automag company since there is a Pasadena P.O Box listed as the address. I compared load data for a standard 44 magnum for 200 and 240gr bullets with 2400 powder (Speer Reloading Manual #13)  and they are similar:

Bullet    44AMP  Loads     44AMP Velocities       44Mag Loads     44Mag Velocities

200       22gr / 24gr         1485fps / 1574fps    22gr / 24gr         1447fps / 1589fps

240       18gr / 22gr         1252fps / 1479fps    19gr / 21gr         1269fps / 1434fps

240       19gr / 21gr         1309fps / 1422fps (Interpolated from 18/22 data)


The 44AMP loads were generated using a 6.5" barrel Automag while the 44Mag data was generated using a Ruger Redhawk revolver with a 7.5" barrel. Since Revolver barrel lengths are measured from the face of the cylinder (minus the gap) and automatics are measured from the base of the cartridge, the Automag data has an effective barrel length of about 5" compared to the revolver, which, is surprising that the velocities are slightly faster for the lower loads and slightly slower on the higher loads. I would have expected them to be slightly lower for both. Another factor not considered here is the case internal volume. If cutdown 308 cases were used for 44AMP testing, the volume is likely to be smaller and could explain faster velocities, but not slower. Also, depending on the cylinder/barrel clearance on the Redhawk (Rugers are not exactly known for tight precision), some gas will escape. My plan would be to start with the minimum loading and see how reliably it ejects spent cases and locks back on the last round. If OK, stay there and if not, creep up until it is reliable. The 8.5" Automag barrels will produce higher velocities than what was documented here so maybe go lower to start. Bottom line, you are not going to break anything with light loads but you may with hot loads.

PS: I don't mean to disrespect Ruger, my first 3 guns were a 10-22, P85, & GP100. They were all super reliable, would eat anything I fed them, were easy to field strip, and very reasonably priced at the time. 

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