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Auto Mag Progress Update

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Move him to the top.

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Seems that there are several duplicate order #100612 on the new list, I'm glad to see I have moved up, but at the same time cautiously optimistic. 

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@426mopar I haven’t looked at the public list yet. I will check it out and see what is going on.

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Posted by: @robautomag

@426mopar I haven’t looked at the public list yet. I will check it out and see what is going on.


I just looked. That is not a typo. That customer bought three at the same time.


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@robautomag I am fine with the gentleman moving up as well.

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We should be getting the second magazine, oil bottles, and the grips outs out to people that are owned them this week. We have the new production software up and we are trying to learn how to ship in the system properly.

Pantera Mike, dsr and AndyC reacted
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Hey Rob,  What about guns? any guns shipping? 

tressler reacted
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I received my promised second magazine yesterday.

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Posts: 7 ship to gun shop FFL is expiring on May 1.  I have obtained a new FFL from them.  Same everything else.  How do you want a copy ?  


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Are there any updates on shipping ? Revised back order list ?

tressler reacted
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Posted by: @hutch38

Are there any updates on shipping ? Revised back order list ?

🦗 Cricket Emoji

tressler reacted
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I’m sorry for the lack of communication on the forum From us. We are still here working as hard as we can in the background to keep everything moving in the right direction. We should have an update this week.

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Hey Rod Will I be able toget a exter Gun Barrel later . want a shorter for gun later

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Patrick want to update you guys himself however he had so much going on this weekend that it will probably be Monday or Tuesday before he can do it. Just wanted to give you a heads up.

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Over the past six months, we've been dedicated to fulfilling orders for our existing customers. However, restarting production has proven more time-consuming than expected, partly due to ongoing litigation that has diverted my attention from production matters. Additionally, our system was damaged more than I realized by the shutdown.


A significant bottleneck in production has been the cocking pieces, and we also had some issues with barrel latches that we may have just solved. We are trying to build a more reliable supply chain and increase our production rate. Currently, for most parts, we only have one supplier, or we make the part in-house. When the management committee decided to close Loris to pursue another plan, it degraded our ability to produce as many and as reliably as before. In December 2022, we were making 15 units a week. Had we just continued, we would have filled all the backorders in 2023. We are in a legal battle trying to agree on a plan to separate, and that, along with repairing or developing redundancy in our supply chain, has taken almost all my time and attention. As a result, I have not been good about communicating with the customers. However, I do have someone willing to back this process once we achieve separation and have a plan in place that defines the demand for the next year. This will enable us to put in the necessary capacity and acquire parts and raw materials to cover the current and expected future demand.


Our Auto Mag team comprises exceptionally dedicated individuals, and they are all doing everything they can. However, many times they are doing tasks that another person was responsible for, without complete training, or the system doesn’t work like before. Regrettably, we lost all our ERP systems and data during the shutdown and had to rebuild them from scratch. Consequently, we were not receiving notices from our customers, so it appeared that we were ignoring them. Personally, I do not use any form of social media. However, we have rectified the backend issue and will strive to respond promptly to forum inquiries moving forward.


A lot is going on, so I will update you as things change. Thank you for all your support.


We did build a .357 prototype that we should be testing soon, as well as several other items that have been requested over the years.


Patrick Henry

PackHawk reacted
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